Where Our Reviews Come From
At the end of every completed tech support call our customers have the option of calling in to leave a voicemail testimonial. These are completely unedited and optional. We know there are several tech support companies out there that create fake reviews which gives the remote tech support industry a bad name. Rest assured, you get to decide if these reviews are real or not. If you are still not sure, just Google “Boxaid reviews” and decide for yourself. Click the links below to listen to our customers and what they think of our online computer repair service at BoxAid.

Real Customer Testimonials
These guys are the best you’re gonna get.!!!I absolutely professional, friendly and Have to say John you rock the computer world!!! Thank you for fixing my computer!!!!Would and will suggest to other people (already have). So from the computer challenged I thank you a million times over!!!!

Jonathan at Boxaid did an excellent job! I am extremely pleased with the work he did on my computer and the information he taught me. I will definitely be using them in the future. This is an excellent company! They beat the Geek Squad hands down.

Boxaid was the easiest, fastest, cheapest, most trustworthy and Zack was the most polite computer repair technician we’ve ever dealt with. Thanks Boxaid Remote Technical Support as we say in Boston you guys are wicked awesome!

It is so nice to work with a person fixing your computer who speaks English and did it in such a timely manner. Now my office days can go back to 8 hours instead of 12 hour days plus working on my days off because of computer issues!! Amazing.

I have received service from Jonathan on numerous occasions and have always been so impressed with his knowledge and dedication. He is readily available to take my call and works until the problem is resolved no matter how long. I would recommend Boxaid and Jonathan to anyone with remote computer needs. I am a hooked customer for sure!

Zack was great help with our laptop, slow and plagued with malware (despite McAfee). At the end of 5 hours, the laptop was cleaned, updated, no more malware, and significantly faster. All that, at a cost just marginally more than the price for one hour. Greatly appreciated his explaining the steps he was taking during the repair, and the level of improvement was exactly what he had predicted.